AirMyPrayer wants to make religious live broadcasting available to everyone so we have tried to make our prices as affordable as possible. We are a non-profit organisation so we only ask for enough funds to be able to reinvest in our infrastructure and keep it going
Prayer Time Table - £250
£5 per month for support and infrastructure hosting
Includes website hosting of prayer times
Admin page to change daily and jamaat times
Audio & Video Voice Automated Transmitter - £300​​
£15 per month for support and infrastructure hosting ​
Includes cables to connect to your audio system
Self service - we will post the device, you will connect and be online within 24 hours
AirMyPrayer Broadcasting System ​
1. Initial setup in establishment- £500​
Includes Audio and Video Voice Automated Transmitter and cabling to connect to your audio system
Online and integrated prayer time setup
Setup and configuration of establishment live camera feed (optional)
Floating live video and audio setup (transmit video and/or audio direct to homes using your mobile phone)
2. Home devices or use Alexa for free
yearly subscription £18 / year (covers Infrastructure hosting, license and support costs)​
available in our shop or you can build these yourself and we will supply the software on a sd card - checkout the parts needed
Your establishment and end users will both require a broadband connection.
For video broadcasting and receiving a minimum of 3-5Mbps is required